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Researcher-Expert Collaboration and the Involvement of Education Researchers in the Making of Education Policy

Compared to what can be seen in such other public policy sectors as health or economy, researchers' involvement in policymaking is less frequent in education. Given that policymaking is a collaborative process, this article explores how the collaboration rules, as well as differences in professional personalities and cultures among players, may trigger education researchers' comparatively lesser involvement in the making of education policy. The article focuses on the collaboration between researchers and experts. Based on an analytical framework, an international survey of researchers and experts (N=114) with experience of collaboration in education policy making was conducted. Quantitative analysis (simple descriptive statistics and independence tests) of the data was carried out. The results show that the education researchers who participate in policy-making workgroups may find themselves faced with governance and knowledge-sharing rules they are not accustomed to, unmet expectations, and conflicts. It also appears that education researchers have professional personalities and cultures that significantly contrast with those of experts. It is suggested that such challenges and differences may generate both exclusion and self-exclusion of many education researchers from the making of education policy. More openness and professional changes are called for.

The Role and Involvement of Dads in the Lives and Education of Their Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities within an Early Intervention Context

This literature review prefaced a research project that explored dads’ role and involvement in the lives and education of their children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D) within the context of early intervention (EI) (see Ren & Mc Guckin, 2022). We present a comprehensive, critical, and analytical review of the literature regarding the area of dad involvement in EI provided for children with SEN/D and their families. To conduct this review, key terminology was used to search in well-known, widely recognised, and distinguished research databases (e.g., Education Full Text, PsycINFO, Web of Science). The search yielded 112 results, from which 21 final articles were selected for inclusion. To begin, the historical perspective of fatherhood and dad involvement in the childbearing family is reviewed. This provides a necessary context for a deeper understanding of the central issues related to this area. To provide an explanation of the ways in which contemporary dads are influential, the review then explores the role and function of dads and their contributions to their child’s developmental outcomes. Such an exploration leads to a necessary critical review of recent research findings related to dads’ involvement in the lives of children with SEN/D and EI. This comprehensive review extends our knowledge in understanding the role and involvement of dads' contributions to the outcome of their families and their children with SEN/D, particularly within an EI context.
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